

Powerful software that lets clinicians design custom prosthetics and orthotics.

What Is NiaFit?

NiaFit is computer-assisted design (CAD) software developed for modelling and 3D printing prosthetic and orthotic devices. It facilitates the easy and precise creation of high-quality, custom-fitting devices.

NiaFit is a fully integrated and seamless orthopedic workshop

software package developed by Nia from the ground up. It operates within the Windows platform, offering robust capabilities to render complex geometries on

computer screens in real-time.

Recognizing the potential advantages for clinicians, we developed NiaFit as an integrated software application tailored for the orthopaedic workshop, mirroring the traditional workflow. NiaFit functions seamlessly within Windows, employing a non-linear and non-destructive design process. This approach eliminates the necessity for a rigid sequence of steps, enabling users to make modifications to their designs without the inconvenience of repeated undoing.

Why Did We Develop NiaFit?

We developed NiaFit after seeing that clinicians needed a simple yet powerful software application to help them make custom-fitting, 3D-printed assistive devices.


Based on clinicians ' feedback, we designed NiaFit in partnership with the University of Toronto. It uses the latest concepts in computer software design, including a parametric workflow. It also mirrors traditional methods of production, helping clinicians adapt to digital fabrication.


NiaFit is generically suitable for the prosthetics and orthotics industry.

What Are The Benefits Of NiaFit?

  • Integrated & Seamless

    NiaFit facilitates the entire 3D PrintAbility workflow. It can also be linked to patient management systems.

  • Powerful & Robust

    Powered with a game development engine, NiaFit is capable of rendering complex geometries on computer screens in real-time.

  • Non-Linear

    Eliminates the need for a strict sequence of steps in the modeling process, allowing users to make changes to their designs seamlessly without the inconvenience of repeated undoing.

  • Non-Destructive

    Cumulative design changes in NiaFit enable the utilization of various tools to construct intricate geometries for the prosthetic or orthotic devices being created.

  • User-Focused

    NiaFit follows a traditional workflow and uses terminology familiar to the P&O community to help clinicians adapt.

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